Version 2010

This text is considered as an answer to the subject of human common aim, including an incitement, for the purpose answering "Who are you"?

Also, it is a security supervizing and reward for West governors and authorities, being not responsible against their activities, but, they seem their selves, as God.

According to these actions, I am allowed to sing several songs, such as "O'sky, thou became intoxicated from insanity, thou are thirsty of blood/ O'sky, thou became intoxicated from sins, how disgraced are you!

Version 2010
"O'my addresser, Ali Akbar Ebrahimi, being considered as an ideal man.

You are my ideal and perfect model.

My contemporaries, humane and me are just an empty cup.

A temporary heart, body, flesh, potsherd and mold.

Any units, both human, formation, civil constitutions or religious, countries and … are considered as an empty and meaning Less cup.

You are our sole. You are greatest fact. You are named as great God.

God and other ones are Just ideal samples of you, being in accordance with place and spatial Circumstances.

My Life and sole and flesh of other contemporaries, having a Limited age and temporary body, are the beams of your manifestations on our hearts. We Learn special methods, being for each other, best imagination, speech and behavior, from each other. Indeed, they are the ceremonies of visiting, interviewing and familiarity with you.

We are various and creative samples, being considered as complementary of each other. Our aim is obtaining your character, being superior, perfect and unique model for us, for the purpose of receiving ever lasting.

O' saver and external, O' the owner of excellent name, being our ownership.

Make us ever Lasting, Like yourself. Make me ever Lasting with you.

I have need the Life, enjoying it, for Learning worship experience and your knowledge and special ceremonies I asked you Life, and you present me i. There fore, during the worst condition, my state is very good, I like my Life and worship you, for offering this Life to me.

Know you, on the basis of my Low knowledge and Gnosticism and my Little attempts. I am the source of receiving your inspiration and grace. I obtain your Light, recognize your will and answer to this question Why do I worship great God. Finally, I shall become one of the supporters and signers of roll, being about supporting from perfect and ideal Akbar.

The best definitions and stories of my contemporaries from you and their answers to "Why do I worship great God" make common religion of me and them.

Also, these are infinite raw-materials, for the purpose of obtaining more and better complete version of great religion. Happy is he who move in this way, as the first, better, correct and polite one. Peace be upon who need defense from themselves, against inventors, sharks and supporting from oppressed ones Any body has different will and needs, acquiring various knowledge and obtain science. According to this different knowledge, we worship yow in a special way. Some worshiping are rejected from you, but some of them are valuable. You are purified and blameless, not needing in to worshiping one who determine you, better than others and defined your will, in a best way, answer the question "why do I worship great God", Correctly. He attempts in your worshiping, so he is avoiding from violent desire and closing in to Love and destruction. He like you, better than others and being satisfied by you.

We are a point in world, obtaining a mutual agreement with you. Also, we have a special privacy by being with you. Each point are considered as an understanding, sense and different experience from world, being called as great globe on the other hand, they are special and secret sources, for names, adjectives, states and behaviors of great globe.

Higher avoiding from war and shedding blood, it is possible to receive higher levels of peace and great democracy. Our authorities shall be more clear.

Here, all human, countries, Civilizations and other units are well and being ever-Lasting, with you. It is as a result of taking responsibility against you and not focusing on evil. They ask you great democracy and don't accept you establish Islam or secularism for them. They don't shrink their responsibility, in one hand and don't ask an approvement (improvement) for best speech, behavior or their properties and estates on the pther hand. Actually, they belong themselves, in to you. They Love you and don't recognize any body as their Love. None of them Seize you, first of all, against others or representing by human, make you as an impossible creature or palm you Rank, status and dignity of any body is determined in a perfect world. Made by human and including a version from you, in each period.

Your root shall be investigated in kingdom. Rank, dignity, state and condition of each person is a secret in kingdom, being considered as a perfect, final and abstract world. In this world, you are not made by human. Just, you are informed from this secret, O' great God.

You and me are with each other, in this tryst, with great Love.

None of us know that the name of this love is perfect great Love, not great Love!

Because, it is not clear that the source of magnificent appearance of this love is you or me.

Now, it is the ever-Lasting state. Love, being resulted from the knowledge of you and me, shines toward us. Love is beautiful. It's beauty is reflected in my imagination, speech and behavior. I'm good. The beauty of love is reflected in your imagination, speech and behavior, so you are we look at love and our speaking is full of love we are familiar with each other, for the purpose of love It is real love, if it shall result from your will for becoming me happy. Also, it is love, if it shall result from my will for becoming you happy so, your tent and character is love.

We like love, inspire from love and experience the ceremonies of visiting, interviewing and familiarity with love. Our story, world, great love and ideal great love is a different story.

All holy-beings, imaginations, excellent speech and tents are resulted from you. I wish I have opportunity to continue my research in different fields and recognize you in any old religions, or during different periods. Also, I wish to not pollute the process of your recognition with ignorance or lack of competence and being an intelligent slave, for you.

You made great will in the center of unconscious agreement of my contemporaries. All knowledge, information and skills are in you. Also, you copy for all clients, as a sole from fact or an imagination from reference unit. As a result, they are able to find any reference, resource in this case or great respondent. On the other hand, you are ready, in any time and place and teach us the average total standards.

O' God, great love, great will, great respondent, great world, great addressee, great signet, great resource, globe, reference, O' perfect Ali Akbar Ebrahimi, O' super-computer, wisdom, global vision, great friend, fact, we are your various, beautiful and jovial slaves, being considered as the sample of determining love and belong you.

On the basis of your love, I became as great cachet, and, there is no depletion for me. I am with you, now to forever.

You shall destroy my imaginations or create my experience from you, according to your names, adjectives, srate and dignity.

Here, I wish to perish, for you, forever or become everlasting with you, as love, and creator of great love. I have carefully obtained in to your visiting, interviewing and being familiar with all organs of world, being considered as creative and lover samples you. They are eager to be com complement, by perishing for you or being ever lasting with you, as a Love.

Here, and among the tumult of this dark period, authorities and responsible governors of west countries, have (un) consciously tried to perform their devilish policies, against me and destroying the possibility of countinuity of my research and studies, during youth age. They performed this activity by a doubtful and wonderful institution, being named as united nation, formal representative of west civilization. They attacked a last one, being the root of my memory, for the purpose of this fact that I don't determine you or you don’t' recognize me, O' great will, great last, great God and great memory. So, they want we are unfamiliar with each other and don't introduce our identity or forget our source.

They want that we shall be in long distance, from each other and don't learn the ceremonies of visiting interviewing or being familiarity in one hand and affected by forms, establishing the power of west authorities on the way of each person.

I have explained all perspective of west authorities and responsible, mady by their activities, and determined them, against their expected will and need, being assigned by evil. There fore, they are not allowed to consider me as a responsible one for responding and supporting from oppressed people or blame me, according to the "U.N.H.C.R" slagon, including all people suffer from problems and difficulties; because they are the main responsible and server of power, and it is their stain.

So, my tramp or bad condition in Life have been reslted from this fact.

Governors and authorities of west civilizations shall be faced with worst and undesired results, in case of don't confronting with evils or defending against it, for receiving all responsible and duties, being against great will and contracting various agreement, not considering Iranian people's interest and rights. They have suffered from these condition, either in west countries or other ones, this world or world-after death.

"I.T.U". "C,I,A" or other useless factors of R&D, being related into west civilization, don't observes the great rights, including "Iran sindepence", "organized fund" and "great studies and researchers". Actually by neglecting these rights or greeting for finding magical power, all my contemporaries have right in case of formation or attending perfect and ideal Ali Akbar Ebrahimi in any time and place in one hand and correct development, on the other hand. Also, they crime against all or even them selves; by seizing great globe or omitting you from all stages.

Great globe would decrease in to being covered in runty wise of west authorities, for moving in to being covered in runty wise of west authorities, for moving in to lack of Lackof justice, autarchy and other doubtful aims, very easily or being controlled and supervised, by other ones.

So, attacking into the Last one, being as the content of my memory shall be resulted from this fact.

O' God, curtsy and revere of west responsible and authorities have increased their courage and fear for the purpose of terroring seconds, minutes, houres, days, weeks, monthes and years of my age and other members of green movement of Iran nation.

They name thief those hands don't stop from marking But, the soundless voice of this spoil has been rose, here.

O' God, secure us against west authorities and responsibles, named west civilization (west countries) as the grand mother of these nation. O' God, secure me, considering this Civilization, as nice sister of west nations and more respectable mistress of world' so that , I gradually like it's Love.

Help me to enjoy from my rights, in case of immigrating in to west and working and living in a west developed country, if authorities of west civilization make my memory busy in to life problems, challenges and other national and universal conflicts, being observed in our environment or deprive me from the right of managing sciences and supervising research centers & institutions. These factors are the main and effective purposed of them, not me O' God, inform the nations of west civilization from this fact that continuous efforts of these authorities in terroring the study time or my Leisure or other members of green movement of Iranian nation, and any contract, both gaveling or taxing, between them and the team of mr. Rouhollah Khomeini, being considered as the thief of interests of revolution and green movement of Iran's nation in 1978 and the main source of making coup in 12th June of 2009 , or china, Russia or other hunger Reynard in case of Iran and it's national sources and historical opportunities are not those options, making Long-term respect, and permanent security for west civilization.

Pentagon and other west armies and Iran's army force are responsible to provide a great army and an organized fund, studies and researches, for Ali Akbar Ebrahini, for performing and developing great democracy in Iran.

As, I have faced with the danger of death in Iran, as a result of stating the idea of "great army operation, for the purpose of free from autarchy, by different kinds of criminals, considering their permanent interest in continuous of available terrible space of society and making and developing division and pessimism, against each other in nation, so, U.S and other west countries are responsible to give me the right of refuge. On the other hand Iran's people or ti's army forces shall be killed or destroyed, in case of supporting my security in Iran.

It is necessary to note the responsibility of army attacking of those who destroyed Iran's opportunities, for permanent and qualificative developments in long or medial-term is not related to me Al so I don't approve their army operations, because they are for performing devilish wills. Actually, great attacking, being expected, in case of enjoying from necessary and comprehensive authorities is a different idea.

West government, their authorities and responsible of holding election, security and intelligence services of these countries and their media have duty to publish this document, for informing the people of countries, being the members of united nations (UN), in summer of 2010.

and, today, every thing is desired.

Aliakbar Ebrahimi


summer of 2010

پست‌های معروف از این وبلاگ

پژمرده و پرپر شدن سبزها, حمله نامحسوس رژیم به ملت است

آخرین ورژن درخواست پناهندگی اکبر از سازمان ملل

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