با رسانه های غربی اتمام حجت کردم

با رسانه های غربی باز هم اتمام حجت شد و آنها وظیفه خویش مبنی بر انتشار سند 2010 در تابستان 2010 را انجام ندادند.

Please publish this result, Now
From: Aliakbar Ebrahimi Add to Contacts
To: wl-writers@sunshinepress.org; wl-lawyers@sunshinepress.org; wl-art@sunshinepress.org; wl-analysts@sunshinepress.org; wl-australia@sunshinepress.org; wl-france@sunshinepress.org; wl-germany@sunshinepress.org; wl-uk@sunshinepress.org; wl-usa@sunshinepress.org; wl-press@sunshinepress.org

Hello Wikileaks.
Please publish this result, Now
Please publish this result, today.
Aliakbar Ebrahimi
sent in Date of:
to email addresses of the wikileaks.

This text is .....
Version 2010
O'my addresser, Ali Akbar Ebrahimi, being considered as an ideal man.
You are my ideal and perfect model. ..... .

..... West government, their authorities and responsible of holding election, security and intelligence services of these countries and their media have duty to publish this document, for informing the people of countries, being the members of united nations (UN), in summer of 2010.

and, today, every thing is desired.

Aliakbar Ebrahimi


summer of 2010

پست‌های معروف از این وبلاگ

پژمرده و پرپر شدن سبزها, حمله نامحسوس رژیم به ملت است

آخرین ورژن درخواست پناهندگی اکبر از سازمان ملل

Archive of some of the main content of recent months