Higher Voice


voice of wars and other undesirable things is very disappointing. but Ideal Vision and voice of Hope is Higher them. bad status of earth is not the sign of earth treason. that is the sign of earth stupidity only.
earth is my home and earth citizens are my nation and my family. I regret and shame about interaction of my nation with each other with their repugnant faces. there are result of unthankfulness to god and disrespect to you and the good and your servant(me) from iran and earth. and also result of cruelty from me and some other things.
earth citizens are not plaything and materials for their repugnant face. wars and repugnances are not perpetual. earth citizens are creator of their truth face. they are creator of their good thoughts, talks and manners. they are creator of their benevolences with hope. God is not disappointed them. I am domestic of earth citizens. they are creator of you. and you are Absolute Truth and White Human and good and abundance and light and peace and love.
You are Voice of Friend to God.
and also I am one individual of earth citizens. and World Peace is my right and I want my right from the world. this is right of the good and your right and I want right of the good and your right from me.
the good and You are excess luggage in earth of this nations. this earth is not your home.
the good and You must Immigratıon from earth to Paradise.
the good must think to live with you away of earth away of time.
the good and You must live with each other.
only the good and you.
the good and you and your God.
Can you forgotten earth, worlds and existence for the good?

this memoir is two part and this is its final part.
part 2 :

Help me with Peace
Please help my earth

I regret to heard some news about probability of war between Iran and other earth Units.
our world socity is one unit and also any country is a unit. any unit have three face. one its face, one its repugnant face and one face of its Truth.
each truth face formated of the good benevolences. and you are absolute truth.
world socity must talk about under study unit with repetition of its truth face names. and this is in option of that under study unit also. under study unit must help other units for use and repetition of its truth face names. this is a polite way for world peace and other ideals.
iran nation fathers were creators of good thoughts, talks and manners in some thousand years ago. muslem human individuals and nations are respectable and beloved to me as other human individuals and nations. but I am not muslem and I can not confirmation islam and quran and I can not accept the responsibility of islam and quran.
islam truth and quran truth are very respectable and beloved to me as iran truth as west truth as other units truths. I am domestic of that truths. I am domestic of each truth, with fondness without wage or reward. you are no need of confirmation or sponsor from me and I am not worthy for friendship you as a domestic. but I confirmation truth (you) and accept the responsibility for live of truth (your live).
islam and quran and each territorial or heavenly book and story and each religious individual or each irreligious individual are respectable to me in their own places. holy stories and books and evil or repugnant stories and books are respectable to me but I and other human individuals are not their plaything and materials. human individual is not a plaything and I think original truth holy books confirmationed this notice. I am not muslem. I am not plaything and materials for islam and quran or a islamic regime.
I am serve god and you. my important task is servant. a religion is not final goal. a religion is a respectable form for civility of humans individuals only. and a religion is not plaything for governors.
I am a human individual and God creat my mind and my heart white and grand and great without any repugnant photograph. and god presented me human greatness. I love god. I am domestic of God with fondness and this is my best place and I think God let me this worth. if I can not intellect my worth, that is the sign of treason or stupidity.
therefore I am grateful very much to god for create of you in my mind and heart and for create of existence and earth and life. and I wish earth peace and happiness. I am hopeful and I request God look to absolute Truth (You), earth Truth and Jesus Christ and then look into earth citizens. SOME OF BEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD ARE SOME OF IRANIAN PEOPLE and more of them life in iran. United Nations must assist them with peace and friendship for make his/her government on iran.
some units or individuals were some times a few stupid, and ever unit or individuals was not traitor never.
I glory in behaviour of Jesus Christ with earth and earth citizens. but behaviour of islam with earth and earth citizens was different. islam is debtor about mercy from old iran. but contemporary iran is not plaything for islam or each other story. iran was a honourable civilization. iran was not and is not fallen in love of devilish rush and war from islam. and iran is not plaything and materials of eslam and is not dying before islam.
islamic and jew respectable and holy stories with nations of that religions are respectable to me and to iran as old history. but iran is desertion involved to its problems and like not inter in to wars between units as a warlike unit. real life of iran nation and iran national interests must be important story to iran. iran desertion necessary advance 29 years and today is backward. iran is enemy me, that I am its genius and this is behavior of a backward and stupid and diseased country with a genius. united nations countries authorites are very worthy and are very better iran islamic regime authorites but earth countries and iran need not atom bomb. iran must not enter world in a military atomic competition with continuation of a military atomic program. this will very dangerous for earth. iran islamic regime need not to atom bomb. that need to correct behaviour with iran talents and geniuses and with iran nation and with civilized friends of iran and human in west.
iran is not islamic military base of iran islamic regime authorites, and iran nation are not their plaything and materials, and continuation of their jobs is not firest and final need and request of iran nation. iran nation are not amorous to them. iran nation is amorous of family. iram nation are amorous of iran nation.
iran regime authorities was not responsible to iran nation and earth nations about behavior with me and was not responsible to me about behavior with iran nation and iran and earth nations and earth in this years. they are very doubtful and they need help and help them is disarmament them without war.
iran is not a traitor unit to iran nation and to world nations and to iran truth and to world truth.
contemporary iran is stupid, and this is a disease and not a offence. also war with a diseased unit is a disease with name of stupidity, and is the sign of weakness.
iran is very repugnant. but hope is higher repugnance. correct behaviour with this dangerous diseased is control it and therapy for it until healing.
iran islamic regime is powerfuled with evil waies as falsehood. and iran nation have no option but to accept that regime. that governors need help for deposal. islam and quran are importantest theme for iran nations agents in islamic regime of iran in show. and more of that regime authorities think to evil in fact. but my important theme is my real live and my talent and earth national interests and iran national interests. I want life and I like life and god present me life possibility and I am grateful to god and I think to god and god is my hope.
my research status was not ideal and my results until today is a few. my interaction with west is not a ideal interaction after performance of my some ideas. my youth age went and I am absent in this bustle world until yet. my interaction with west is not with results and products of my project and researchs. I have not aught worthy result and thing for present to earth citizens and iran citizens and thanksgiving to iran truth and earth truth, except imagine of a Rose! and now, that white and bad status and times is not pleasing for me and for each human individual truth and for you.
with all of that attention I respect and like life for you. I glory in my research results but my bad status is not the sign of iran nation treason to me and to the themselves and to the earth citizens. and that is not the sign of iran nation and earth countries governments authorities stupidity.
my bad status is only the sign of my weakness. also that is the sign of treason or stupidity of iran nation agents and authorities in iran islamic regime. and that is the sign of earth countries governments authorities weakness.
iran need not to war. iran need to change status and a good regime and government.
iran islamic regime is very blackamoor. united nations governments authorities are as other units and individuals. and any unit or individual in earth have also a repugnant face. but united nations government authorites are white face and angel in comparison with iran islamic regime authorities.
I REGRET TO SEPARATION OF IRAN AND WEST SOCITIES SPECIALLY U. S. A. islamic republic regime authorities are guilty about this disappointing. but west socities specially U. S. A must conciliation and peace with iran people and with themselves and present a official request to islamic republic regime authorities for change regime in iran with study with a official seminar with management of iran truth and united nations truth, as soon as rapidly.
my mind is tired. I am tired. I need retire. I need job, sleep, food and other needs for a normal life. I need RETIRE. and I presented a refugee request about my life possibility in earth to United Nations, and I am hopeful for let their agents and authorities me for my life in my earth and think about you and to grateful to god.
I think my earth must disarmament my iran without war and without disrespect to iran truth, as soon as rapidly.
iran is worthy for best places in earth, but in future and not in this age. and to have atom bomb is not a better place. that is only a most responsibility.
I can not confirmation war or immobility and I can not accept the responsibility of war or immobility. there are not in my option and relevant to me. human individual is not plaything and clown for constraint of society. those are relevant to government authorities of countries, specially iran islamic regime authorites. and also those are specially relevant to important and toiler staffing of the white house in immigration part. they are not free as me. they are duty-bound about safeguarding the interests of the earth and its citizens for each human individual and for me.
if I was a few taskmaster and my voice was a few bad, voice of my age and status of my country and my earth and my existence was not very good and pleasing.
I am not governor or ruling and I am not ideal world president in a virtual white house as a necessary workshop in a advanced and perfect virtual worldwide space.
but I like present this possibility for each human individual.
but this is not very easy. present model for this growing in a science fiction movie is a few hard.
PEACE is firest need for research and development in earth and think and talk about you and friendship with God.
each human individual need all Hearts of human individuals for friendship with god. to govern of human individual on the world is good. but if some human individuals or one human individual like not accept that, to govern on the world is not pleasing for human individual, and he/she like not to govern on the world.
our firest need in earth is to run to standard of Jesus Christ and other the good. and then start for breathing.

Aliakbar Ebrahimi
august 2006

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