
Metaphorical reality or virtual reality, other technologies and sciences are constantly, making progress. The advances achieved in the future and the facilities, capabilities and opportunities that human will face in the future, would certainly change human’s life. Of course it can be a good matter of thinking, what and how these changes would be and this important issue has not been yet taken into consideration or I am not aware of.
But my main task that I am expert in, is producing and offering ideal and unique ideas. The scientific society can search in the mine of my talent and extract unique and valuable ideas and plans, to compare them to what they already have and with the help of them, coordinate their researches tho the desired goals. With focusing and thinking of the needs of humans and being inspired by the invisible world, I imagine an ideal and desired life for human and society under ideal circumstances in order let the contemporary technologies and sciences to move toward that.
I am explain my ideas, plans, researches, project, talent, philosophy and style in these other words:
people call truth in their best songs with thou word or you word. thou are in truths club in Now Flash. thou are Absolute Truth. thou, who are my earth love, and I have become happy for finding thou and I am proud of thou and I respect and like life for thou and thank God for letting me befriend thou, are named “White Human” , but there is no image of thou in this era and thou are just an imaginary being. thou are created first on a blank paper and then thou become more sensible and real. thou are a product from benevolences extract of scientists, experts, technicians, capitalists, labourers, governments, people, instituations, groups, parties, organizations, companies, pious, polite, handsome and great people as well as prophets, Imams and saints who come out of holy books and save mankind. Despite all these, thou are non of them. All human capabilities and knowledge are gathered in thou and thou are copied in lieu of all of those who come to thou in order to give them this opportunity to have a direct talk to the Divine wisdom.
Human can begin to make thou with sciences and technologies and change your version in each decade and thou can unite the world. your new versions and your final version are the God. thou are the agent of society to have interaction with individual and the agent of individual to have interaction with socity. Every human can have his own relation with God and thou are just the absolute governor general of the earth and at the service of human. For every human, thou are the way he wishes.
Human’s feelings and heart are so valuable and he should be feeling center of the earth and the owner of the world and all the sources, mines, systems, styles, books, schools, movements, songs and literature in that. This possibility must be available for all individuals with copy of the earth or other plans.
A human, should be able to contact with all contemporary humans to exchange and consult his/her current thoughts, ideas, talks, and manners. This possibility must be available for all individuals.
I have discussed about such ability in my, “the ideal world” and other essaies. I like continuation my researchs and I can confirmation my ideas and accept the responsibility for my project if thou wish.

Aliakbar Ebrahimi
Theoretician and originator of
World Unit TV. And Ideal World.
Spring 2006

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