Archive of some of the main content of recent months

White Pigeon’s message for kids:

The truth is indeed you.


In the Great’s mind and opinion,

The UN gives kids a special allowance, based on its financial mechanism to establish the Great Financial Fund,

To make them strong enough

To welcome and support the Great campaign and celebration with their hands full of flowers, fruits, and sweets

why not!?

The UN was good from the beginning,

Except for a short while, when it was under the influence of the P5+1 governments and its soul had been captured and taken hostage.

But here in this eternal present moment when

The new generations cherish the Great campaign,

The P5+1 governments have disappeared.

And got off the UN’s back,

-which is the true reference of the Great’s planet

And is the main reference of the Great Organization-

And the UN has achieved independence and freedom

And feels well.

The P5+1 governments themselves

Have been cured and saved

In the “Great’s Single Government over 5+1 states”

And have enjoyed political immunity as the Great’s technical advisers.

Thank God that the image included in this text, which reflects the happiness of the kids and their invitation, welcoming, and support of the Great and the Great Organization, is being realized.

And we plan to implement this based on the Great’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) theories.

But in the Great’s view, the seats and palaces should not be damaged.

And the new hegemony of the CENTCOM

(Joint and Central Command Headquarters of the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France, Germany, and Iran)

Must take the seats of power from the P5+1 governments without firing a single bullet,

and hand them over to the “Great’s Single Government over the 5+1 states”

And it must take the seat of power from the Iranian government of the time

And hand it over to the Great Organization’s Deputy for Iranian Affairs.

Does not such a glory require burning Espand?

What if the Great is given an evil eye (affected by jealousy)?

Part 2

By burning Espand, you convey the message that:

With the presence of the Great,

There is no need for war,

Nor for military installations and combat forces.

Burning Espand for the Great Organization’s birthday party is currently limited to those older than 18 years.

You kids burn Espand in the name of the Great’s wedding ceremony.

But those who have to leave the seats of power and flee away know that

Here, in the eternal present moment,

The Great Organization’s birthday party is being held,

Whether it is during the Great’s life,

Or tens or hundreds of years after its death.

And at the end,

Please tell God that the Great is a good person.

Be careful not to tell God that the Great takes money and food from you!

Say that the Great and the Great organization also provided you with money and food.

Thank You.


White Pigeon

(Joint and Central Command Headquarters of the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France, Germany, and Iran)

From the Iranian and international campaign and celebration for the invitation, welcoming and support of the Great and cooperation with the Great.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022


To contact the Great,

Please see the Great Organization’s declaration of independence

And read the footnote of that text.

The End

The Great Organization’s Declaration of Independence  

(January 22, 2022 Declaration of the New CENTCOM)

The improvidence of the then governments of the P5+1 states towards the Great and the Great Organization was observed

In their refusing to allow the UN

 to host the Great International Virtual Tour around the world on January 14-22, 2022.

This clumsiness in setting up great and glorious ceremonies at the Great’s level, led to the contempt or humiliation of the Great before the thirteen-fourteen-year-old and the under-eighteen-year-old generations all over the world!

Let’s forget about it; it’s not worth talking about.

Right now and in this declaration,

We declare the independence of the Great Organization from the P5+1 governments.

The Great has no duty, obligation or responsibility to obtain permission from the P5+1 governments

In important matters such as "establishment and development of the Great Organization and achievement of its goals."

And from now on it will have the right

To look for the possible ways to progress towards the goals and vision of the Great and the Great Organization,

With a mind free of such constraints

And without any obligation towards them.

Reconciling the P5+1 states with one another is not the Great’s duty

But they themselves have a duty to live in peace and reconciliation with one another, cooperate, and unite in the Great’s contemporary world.

The direct communication and reference of the Great and The Great organization with new generations

No longer needs the mediation of the P5+1 governments

Nor does it need the mediation of the UN, which has not yet gained independence from the P5+1 governments.

Given the indifference of the P5+1 governments and the Iranian government to the "CENTCOM Declaration",

This time we declare that

There is no need for the P5+1 governments to continue their ruling over the P5+1 countries,

And we find it necessary to take our immediate, hard, and simultaneous action

to overthrow those six governments in those six countries.

The only problem is that

in reality and outside of the Great’s mind and theories,

We are not yet organized and coordinated enough to take such action.

Another problem is that even if such an action is taken successfully,

In the future, there may appear critics who, knowingly or unknowingly, think that the Great Organization and the Great Organization has become a superpower to meet its own need rather than that of the world and people of the world, thereby questioning the needlessness of the Great and accusing the Great government of coups, fascism, dictatorships and the like.

These few days that we are preparing ourselves for our hard, smart, purposeful and simultaneous action

to take power from the P5+1 governments

and hand over the remains of government palaces in the P5+1 countries to the Great,

are indeed the best opportunity for the Iranian people, the P5+1 nations and all the other nations of the world

To turn the Great into a superpower through the Great campaign,

And there is no need for our hard efforts to prepare the ground for the Great to rise to power.

As the Great campaign

Has had little progress for the recognition of the Great Organization in the current developments in Iran and in the world,

It is necessary to start the wave of activity of new generations in the Great campaign and movement

So that a trace can be observed from the Great Organization in the coming decades or maybe centuries.

Of course, it does not matter if such a miracle does not happen. It is worthwhile and good that the new generations are happy with the Great for a few days and shake and drink glasses of water in the Great’s memory.

And it helps the public opinion to forget about the grief of the previous generations’ lack of timely and sufficient support for the excellent call.

Even if these new generations are never allowed by the Great to go to the government palaces of the originals (governments of the time) with slogans such as "Ya Allah, Bismillah, Allah Akbar, Janam Fada-ye Akbar".

In this declaration,

We call

New generations in Iran, in the P5+1 countries, in neighboring countries of Iran, and in all countries of the world

In 2022

To keep their problems to themselves and not share them with the Great and the Great Organization

Whenever and wherever they feel unwell and unhealthy, are short of money, or cannot come in handy to the Great for whatever reason.


Wherever and whenever they feel

They think well,

They speak well

And they act well

And wherever and whenever they feel

They are fine and have broken their piggy banks and are about to spend their saved money,

And feel that their reminding of the Great and the Great Organization can give the Great and the Great Organization more value and credit than before,

There and in that moment,

They feel themselves to be at the birthday celebration of the Great Organization,

They also feel that they miss the Great and the Great organization

And commemorate the Great and the Great organization well.

Be happy in 2022 with the Great,



(Joint and Central Command Headquarters of the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France, Germany, and Iran)

From the Iranian and international campaign and movement for

invitation, welcoming and support of the Great and cooperation with The Great.

Saturday, January 22, 2022




The Great does not interview the audience one by one.

If there is a question,

It must be raised by the public

And be shared with governments and mainstream media,

They can implement the comprehensive joint action plan of the media to interview the Great.

Even the publication of this text is the duty of governments and mainstream media; the Great has no mass media.

Even before the interview

It is possible to get familiar with the Great’s views and content, the literature and brief discourse prepared and compiled in the Great’s Mental Campaign

And to introduce them to the audience

Simply by translating and publishing several original papers and short texts relating to the Great for governments, their rival oppositions, and for the mainstream media.

Your attention to the Great must be limited to your own privacy and pages, and only there can you create networks of the Great’s audiences.

Do not leave a comment on the Great’s page, nor invite yourself by liking the posts in order not to be blocked for a few seconds.

The Great’s question to you is the note of "the common goal of humanity", and the Great’s answer to that question is the note "An excerpt from the 2010 inscription".

Generations over the age of eighteen can also be active in the Great movement in the same manner as previously defined and explained, based on an excellent call, and can extend their activities by establishing the Great tents in all cities as preliminary branches of the Great Organization, setting up the Great food boxes/baskets, and establishing the Great Financial Fund, which no longer requires a license from the P5+1.

And they can, if necessary, fight with the originals (governments of the time or any alternative that comes after them and rises to power) on their own rather than the Great’s and the Great Organization’s responsibility.

Not merely in the area around the Great Organization,

In Iran, they can wage their wars in Pasteur region,

Government-owned palaces in P5+1 countries are also clear. Anyone who is not a member of the Great movement can go there and fight with the slogan of supporting the Great movement. It has nothing to do with the Great movement, campaign and organization.

If they had an achievement that could appear interesting for new generations,

they can come to the Great Organization.

Of course, achievement does not result merely from war.

And whoever has good advice, ideas, plans and programs for the Great and the Great Organization and each of its branches in any of the P5+1 countries or in any of the other countries of the world and can use them in the Great’s plans, he will be welcome and temporarily recognized as a thirteen-fourteen-year-old and under-eighteen-year-old one.


The End.

January 22, 2022

Akbar Advocacy Contest

(Akbar’ gaining strength as the right of new generations)


I wanted to establish and develop the "Akbar Organization" and achieve its goals.


I celebrated the birthday of Akbar Organization from the bottom of my heart.


But among the disputes in the contemporary political climate over centralized power, the need to establish and develop the Akbar Organization and achieve its goals was overlooked.


My heart is heavy and so is my breath.


To get a new spirit and strength, I freeze my mind for a few days and go on a virtual tour around the world.


I ask the thirteen, fourteen and below-eighteen generations in all countries of the world to launch the challenge of "holding the symbolic wedding celebrations of Akbar" from January 14, 2022 to January 22, 2022 with two empty seats.


I also ask the thirteen, fourteen and below-eighteen generations of Iran and the P5+1 countries to make and join this movement in their own countries, and spread it all over the world.


I ask you to leave in the celebration space two empty seats for Akbar and the girl he will find in the future,

And thus hold Akbar’s symbolic wedding celebration;

And prepare short videos of the celebration and share them on social networks and mainstream media.


Thank you.


Ali Akbar Ebrahimi

A member of the Iranian and International Campaign and Movement for Invitation, Reception, Advocacy, and Cooperation with Akbar.

I do not interview the audience one by one.

If there is a question, it should be raised by the public and shared with governments and the mainstream media.


They can implement a comprehensive joint action plan of the media to interview Akbar.


Even the publication of this text is the task of governments and mainstream media; I myself have no mass media.


Even before the interview, it is possible to get acquainted with Akbar’s views as well as the content, literature and brief discourse developed in Akbar’s mental campaign, and to introduce it to the audience simply by translating and publishing several main articles and short texts about Akbar for governments, their rival oppositions, and the mainstream media.


Over-eighteen generations can also be active in the Akbar Movement in the same manner as it was previously defined and explained, and extend their activities by establishing Akbar tents in all cities as branches of the Akbar Organization and setting up the Akbar Fund and Akbar Food Box/Basket.


The End.

Akbar Declaration
(Great Declaration):

Long live / Peace be upon you
Thank God for the bread.
Long live / Peace be upon you
Thank God for the water.
Long live / Peace be upon you
Thank God for the milk.
Long live / Peace be upon you
Thank God for the electricity.
Long live / Peace be upon you
Thank God for breakfast.
Long live / Peace be upon you
Thank God for lunch.
Long live / Peace be upon you
Thank God for dinner.
Long live / Peace be upon you
Barg Kebab with rice,
Thank God for the leaf chelokbab.
Long live / Peace be upon you
Good and blessing,
Thank God for the good and the blessing.
Long live / Peace be upon you
Light and bread,
Thank God for the light and the bread.
Long live / Peace be upon you
Souvenirs and oxygen,
Thank God for souvenirs and oxygen.
Long live / Peace be upon you
the health,
Thank God for your health.
Long live / Peace be upon you
Thank God for the money.
Long live / Peace be upon you
Thank God for the wine.
Long live / Peace be upon you
Thank God for the flowers.
Long live / Peace be upon you
Thank God for the sweets.
Long live / Peace be upon you
Thank God for love and the present.
Long live / Peace be upon you
Fun and joy,
Thank God for the fun and happiness.
Long live / Peace be upon you
Thank God for the picnic.
Long live / Peace be upon you
Poetry, anthem and music,
Thank God for the poems, songs and music.
Long live / Peace be upon you
Carnival of Happiness,
Thank God for the carnival of joy.
Long live / Peace be upon you
Thank God ....
And .... .

پست‌های معروف از این وبلاگ

مسوولیت امنیت, حرمت و کرامت ثروتهای ملی مردم ایران مستقیما متوجه حکام غرب است

هشدار امنیت فیزیکی برای سفارت ترکیه در تهرتن

اعلامیه شماره 4 تحصن اکبر