Manifesto 2019

Selected Manifesto of March 2019 of Great


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey and the position of Secretary General of the United Nations


As you are aware, I, Ali Akbar Ebrahimi, wish to explain, define, compile, design and draw “Great desirable perspective of the world” and place it in front of technologies, sciences and the whole world as a proposed pattern and sample; and I wish that I had the ingenuity and special talents and ideas, plans and programs for establishing an organization that has a branch in every country of the world, and compile a proposed roadmap for progress toward this goal.

But unfortunately, the possibility of restarting scientific studies and researches is stopped and suspended, and preserving, nurturing, up dating and development of charismatic ingenuity and capabilities of Great, to the level of passing the stages of executing Great project and gaining excellent achievements of studies and researches of Great and even very lower levels to pre 2009 level was not prepared.

After 2009, I also did not have the possibility to organize and employ assistants, researches, counselors, and employees to use their knowledge and experiences to compensate the gap in my studies and research, and I never could explain and define the theoretical foundations of Iran Great and World Great comprehensively and perfectly and illustrate them with science fiction movies, and based on those achievements and products, hold related development conferences and so on.

Unfortunately, in absence of this ability and execution by Great, the countries of 5+1 that have been totalitarians, adventurers and main authorities in the contemporary world, did not lead and move forward the world toward the goals of Great to an acceptable and sufficient extent.

Either they did not want or were not able, any way they neither support and enforced Great to fulfill the duty of those 6 countries nor performed their duties for leading the world toward the world intended by Great.

Considering the fact that I recognize the countries of 5+1 responsible for above mentioned retardations and damages of Great, I ask for formation of official political will in 5+1 countries for sacrificing support from what I had in mind, and sacrificing assist and lead the world to go to that direction, and also for supporting the source and mine and origin and history of such a treasure, that is me.

I, specifically demand for formation of a session of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of 5+1 countries about the quality and quantity of supporting Great by 5+1 countries and also, I demand for my presence in these sessions.


Good luck.


Yours sincerely,


Ali Akbar Ebrahimi,

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


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