زنده باد اتحادیه اروپا، سلام و درود بر اتحادیه اروپا. روز پیروزی اکبر مبارک باد

متن کامل قطعنامه راهبردی پارلمان اروپا در قبال جمهوری اسلامی به زبان انگلیسی
to wind up the debate on the statement by the Vice-President of the
Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and
Security Policy
pursuant to Rule 110(2) of the Rules of Procedure
on the EU strategy towards Iran
María Muñiz De Urquiza
on behalf of the Committee on Foreign Affairs
European Parliament resolution on the EU strategy towards Iran
The European Parliament,
– having regard to its previous resolutions on Iran, in particular to its resolutions of
10 March 2011 on the EU's approach towards Iran1
, 17 November 2011 on recent cases
of human rights violations in Iran2
, 2 February 2012 on Iran and its nuclear programme3
and 14 June 2012 on the situation of ethnic minorities in Iran4
– having regard to the joint statement made by Vice-President / High Representative
Catherine Ashton and the Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mohammad Javad Zarif,
on 24 November 2013 in Geneva, and to the statement by the Vice-President / High
Representative on 12 January 2014,
– having regard to the Council conclusions of 15 October 2012 and 16 December 2013,
and to the amendments to the restrictive measures in place against Iran, as decided by
the Council at its meeting on 20 January 2014,
having regard to the Council conclusions of 21 March 2011, announcing the
implementation of restrictive measures targeted against those responsible for grave
human rights violations,
– having regard to the statement by the Vice-President / High Representative on the
liberation of Nasrin Sotoudeh and other prisoners of conscience in Iran on
19 September 2013,
– having regard to the report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human
rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran on 4 October 2013 and his recent statement on 22
January 2014 warning of the 'sharp increase in hangings in Iran', and the 10 September
2013 Report of the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) on the Situation of the
Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran (A/68/377),
– having regard to its resolution of 11 December 2012 on a Digital Freedom Strategy in
EU Foreign Policy,
– having regard to the Declaration on Free and Fair elections, unanimously adopted on 26
March 1994 by the Inter-Parliamentary Union, of which the Iranian Parliament is a
– having regard to the United Nations' General Assembly Resolution on human rights in
Iran from 19 November 2013, which 'Expresses deep concern at serious ongoing and
European Parliament resolution on the EU strategy towards Iran
The European Parliament,
– having regard to its previous resolutions on Iran, in particular to its resolutions of
10 March 2011 on the EU's approach towards Iran1
, 17 November 2011 on recent cases
of human rights violations in Iran2
, 2 February 2012 on Iran and its nuclear programme3
and 14 June 2012 on the situation of ethnic minorities in Iran4
– having regard to the joint statement made by Vice-President / High Representative
Catherine Ashton and the Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mohammad Javad Zarif,
on 24 November 2013 in Geneva, and to the statement by the Vice-President / High
Representative on 12 January 2014,
– having regard to the Council conclusions of 15 October 2012 and 16 December 2013,
and to the amendments to the restrictive measures in place against Iran, as decided by
the Council at its meeting on 20 January 2014,
– having regard to the Council conclusions of 21 March 2011, announcing the
implementation of restrictive measures targeted against those responsible for grave
human rights violations,
– having regard to the statement by the Vice-President / High Representative on the
liberation of Nasrin Sotoudeh and other prisoners of conscience in Iran on
19 September 2013,
– having regard to the report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human
rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran on 4 October 2013 and his recent statement on 22
January 2014 warning of the 'sharp increase in hangings in Iran', and the 10 September
2013 Report of the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) on the Situation of the
Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran (A/68/377),
– having regard to its resolution of 11 December 2012 on a Digital Freedom Strategy in
EU Foreign Policy,
– having regard to the Declaration on Free and Fair elections, unanimously adopted on 26
March 1994 by the Inter-Parliamentary Union, of which the Iranian Parliament is a
– having regard to the United Nations' General Assembly Resolution on human rights in
Iran from 19 November 2013, which 'Expresses deep concern at serious ongoing and
D. whereas internal political developments in Iran and the interim agreement on the nuclear
issue has opened a window of opportunity for both reforms within Iran and an
improvement of external relations with the EU;
E. whereas negotiations on a comprehensive trade and cooperation agreement and on a
political dialogue agreement between the EU and Iran started in 2002; whereas this
process was interrupted in 2005 as a result of revelations concerning Iran's clandestine
nuclear activities and the country's refusal to cooperate fully with the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA);
F. whereas the human rights situation in Iran is still characterised by the continued,
systematic violation of fundamental rights;
G. whereas Iran has one of the youngest populations in the world, including more than 7
million children under the age of six;
H. whereas Iran still refuses to cooperate with several United Nations bodies on the human
rights issue for instance by denying a visa to the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation
of Human Rights in the Islamic Rep
On the nuclear issue
1. Welcomes the Geneva interim agreement between the E3/EU+3 and Iran on Iran's
nuclear programme; considers it vital that all parties continue to engage constructively
in the negotiating process so that the final comprehensive agreement can be concluded
within the agreed time frame;
2. Stresses that there can be no alternative to a peaceful negotiated solution that addresses
concerns of the international community regarding the exclusively peaceful nature of
Iran's nuclear programme and regional as well as Iran's security sensitivities;
3. Welcomes the decisions taken by the Council at its meeting on 20 January 2014 with a
view to implementing the Joint Plan of Action, in particular the provisions for partial
sanction relief; stresses the crucial importance of reliably monitoring Iran's
implementation of its commitments to the Joint Action Plan; believes that, once a
comprehensive agreement ensuring the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear
program is reached, nuclear-related sanctions against Iran should be gradually removed;
On perspectives for EU–Iran relations
an should be gradually removed;
On perspectives for EU–Iran relations
4. Stresses that more constructive relations with Iran are contingent on the progress in the
full implementation of Iran's commitments according to the Joint Plan of Action; hopes
that the progress in the implementation of the Joint Plan of Action and in the
negotiations of the Geneva agreement will pave the way for more constructive relations
between the EU and Iran, including over issues of regional concern such as the civil war
in Syria, the fight against all forms of terrorism and its causes, but also in areas like
economic development and trade agreements, rule of law and human rights promotion;
5. Calls on the EEAS to undertake all preparatory work for the opening of a Union
delegation in Tehran by the end of 2014; strongly believes that it would be an efficient
tool of influencing the Iranian policies which would also support the dialogue on the
issues such as the human and minority rights;
6. Invites the Council, depending on substantial progress of the negotiations on the nuclear
issue, to start a discussion on specific steps that could lead to an improvement in
bilateral relations between the EU and Iran, including a possible future contractual
framework for these relations and the development of sectorial cooperation, for example
by focusing on the development of civil society and the private sector in Iran as well as
in the areas of the fight against narcotic drugs, while ensuring suspects receive a fair
trial and are not subjected to the death penalty; environmental cooperation, technology
transfer, infrastructure development and planning, education and culture, child
protection and health, as well as common initiatives to promote and protect human
rights; is concerned with the possible outbreak of infectious diseases such as polio and
measles especially among children and urges the EU to ease access to relevant
medication which has otherwise been difficult to obtain because of the sanctions;
7. Notes with particular concern the worsening environmental situation in Iran notably
when it comes to water shortage, desertification and air pollution and invites the EU to
facilitate cooperation between European and Iranian research institutions,
environmental organisations and cities;
8. Notes the importance of the Iran trade for many medium-sized European companies and
underlines that such trade should positively contribute to the implementation of the
action plan;
9. Invites the Commission and the EEAS, in the meantime, to use all EU tools available to
make a concerted effort to empower and develop civil society in Iran and to increase
exchanges of students, artists and other visitors, as well as cultural and academic
exchanges and promote youth participation and civic engagement; to achieve this,
invites more exchange and cooperation between the EEAS and relevant branches of the
Commission such as DG DEVCO;
10. Calls for a more independent EU policy towards Iran, while coordinating with allies and
On regional issues
11. Considers that Iran should use its considerable influence in Syria to stop the bloody
civil war and calls on Iran's leadership to adopt a constructive role in the international
efforts to finding a solution to the Syrian crisis; considers that Iran should be involved
in all discussions to that end, provided that it shows commitment to finding a diplomatic
solution to the crises in Syria and in the region;
12. Considers that greater engagement between the EU and Iran based on credible
implementation of the Joint Plan of Action and, in the future, of the comprehensive
agreement, could be beneficial in terms of stabilising the situation in the Middle East;
encourages the EU, in particular, to facilitate dialogue between Iran and members of the
Gulf Cooperation Council;
13. Takes the view that the EU, the US and Iran should develop their cooperation in
Afghanistan, in particular on the issue of drug trafficking and humanitarian issues such
as the protection of refugees and to ensure the protection of human rights gains in order
to achieve a sustainable peaceful solution for the conflict; recalls that Iran hosts
approximately 3 million Afghan refugees, and calls on Iran, UN agencies and the
international community to ensure the respect for their basic rights;
On human rights
14. Welcomes the release of several prisoners of conscience in Iran, including the human
rights lawyer and Sakharov Prize laureate Nasrin Sotoudeh, and calls on the Iranian
authorities to release all imprisoned human rights defenders, political prisoners, trade
unionists, labour activists, and those detained after the 2009 Presidential elections; notes
with interest President Hassan Rouhani's initiative to formulate a Charter of Citizens'
rights; expresses, however, continued grave concern regarding the human rights
situation in Iran, in particular the widespread allegations of torture, unfair trials,
including of lawyers and human rights defenders, and impunity for human rights
violations; expresses alarm with regard to the high number of executions in 2013 and
2014, including those of minors; notes that most of the 2013 executions were carried out
during the last five months of the year; condemns the restrictions on the freedom of
information, association, expression, assembly, religion, academic freedom, education
and movement, as well as the repression and discrimination on the basis of religion,
belief, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation, that persist inter alia against Ba'hai
community, Christians, apostates and converts;
15. Takes the view that the Charter of Citizens' Rights should fully comply with Iran's
international obligations, particularly in what regards non-discrimination and the right
to life, strengthening the prohibition of torture, ensuring full freedom of religion and
belief, and guaranteeing freedom of expression, which is currently restricted by the
vaguely formulated provision of the 'national security related offence';
16. Calls, therefore, for the EU to mainstream human rights in all of its relations with Iran;
believes that a high-level and inclusive human rights dialogue with Iran should be part
of the future policy framework of bilateral EU–Iran relations; calls on the EU to start
human rights dialogue with Iran that would include the judiciary and security forces as
well as clearly defined benchmarks against which progress can be measured; calls on
the EU to support fully the work of the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of
human rights in Iran and calls on Iran to give him an immediate and unconditional entry
visa; encourages UN High Commissioner Navi Pillay to take up the invitation by the
Iranian authorities to visit Iran; calls on Iran to declare a moratorium on the death
17. Underlines that any future EP delegations to Iran should be committed to meeting
political opposition, civil society activists and having access to political prisoners;
18. Emphasises the importance of creating an environment conducive to the proper
functioning of civil society organisations, including a reformed legal framework; calls
for the EU to make maximum global use of the EU Human Rights Guidelines, including
the EU guidelines on Human Rights Defenders, and of the new flexibility provided by
the European instrument for the promotion of democracy and human rights (EIDHR)
2014-2020 and the potential of EU' and Member States newly established European
Endowment for Democracy, in order to support Iranian human rights defenders and
civil society organisations;
19. Joins the urgent call of 772 Iranian journalists to the Iranian President to live up to his
promise and allow the reopening of the Association of Iranian journalists;
20. Encourages the EU to explore the possibility of extending technical assistance, in
partnership with international organisations, to Iran to assist in the reform of the Code
of Criminal Procedures currently envisaged by the Iranian Parliament; expresses
concern in particular over detainees inability to access an attorney during interrogations
and over the serious allegations of abuse taking place during pre-charge and pre-trial
detention as well as over the trials of civilians before revolutionary courts; stresses that
the independence from political interferences and ensuring a free trial are key in
developing a modern criminal procedural code and essential in addressing human rights
21. Calls on Iran to cooperate with the international human rights bodies and its NGOs by
acting upon the recommendations of United Nations and the Universal Periodic Review
(UPR) as well as enabling missions of the international human rights organizations;
22. Is of the opinion that women's rights should without fail remain an area of special focus
in any dialogue between the EU and Iran; considers that, despite the progress already
made, the situation of women in Iran remains marred by unacceptable discrimination, in
particular on legal matters, as well as with regard to family laws and their participation
in economic and political life;
23. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the
EEAS, the governments and parliaments of the Member States and the government and
parliament of the Islamic Republic of Iran

پست‌های معروف از این وبلاگ

پژمرده و پرپر شدن سبزها, حمله نامحسوس رژیم به ملت است

آخرین ورژن درخواست پناهندگی اکبر از سازمان ملل

Archive of some of the main content of recent months