archive of old plans


Introduction and definition of special terms
Perhaps some writing contradict each other in this book, the author expresses his apologies in advance. Anyway, presenting nice ideas with different structures was necessary in order to define, outline and put forward the main issue. This is the characteristic of the book. This book should be criticized, amended and completed in future. The new ideas should be reviewed and tested. The viable ideas concerning unique attribute of TV should remain in the book so that they can shape and structure other issue.
The author of these lines, was looking for a working room and support for implementing the project after presenting first, second and third plans via submitting a proposal. But he was not successful.
Then, he started meeting the investigatory requisites so that he could criticize, amend and complete earlier theories and plans and add new plans and theories. Now, this is the last work of the author which is prepared in his private room.
This is a source for scenario writers to build up a model with assistance of scientists. Criticism amendment and completion of the model and benchmarking/i.e.
Eupected movie and movies shall be done in scientific and investigatory seminars. The mentioned models will be used by technology so that technology advances to an ideal one for human and humanitarian society.
Other names include:
Headman , zero , governor of a village , truth , phoenix , perfect human , unknown organization , unique computer cloud, general or divine wisdom.
The number of unique TV is 0 (zero) half of the human being existing on the earth have positive number and half other have negative number. and One(1) is first person of global village(world president), a pioneer human is universal, mirror and the friend of headman (U.TV friend).
Helshe is influential on his/her emotions in unique TV, we see him/her and the programs on his personality. Minus one (-1) is the lowest ranking man in global village. It has further distance from zero. If he/she intends to enter unique global party, his/her facilities are quite restricted. Other people stand between these two numbers i.e. minus one (-1) and one (1).
TVs are network, civilization and influential and other word, they are known dead.
The audiences (addressees) are cameras and culture and they are still children and teenagers. They are not yet so that they can find out the result of such a death with other human beings, votes.
The channels issued by human beings and created by them are TV and therefore similar to them and human are the foundation.
Now, U.TV is augmented into more units, each individual is also augmented within P.TVs and creates more units of individual from on individual being the main unit.
All of us, people are principals and at the same time, we are false and substitute of U.TV or zero. An individual human is the reference of unit and people originating from him.
The substitute which a person sends out from himself to places are his P.TV and representatives.
Human are culture and root and the source of reference and civilization channels. Civilization that ultimately principle the culture are destroyed by culture and consequently, the final shape and order originates and is recorded in the general wisdom.
Communications via P.TVs and with the management of U.TV
when you enter the
unique global community, you think every thing is ready, set and swept and every
body were just waiting for you to come and derange the feast.
That is a zero U.TV (new U.TV) is exposed to you and you privatize it for yourself
And transform it to your P.TV.
U.TV promotes technologies in relation to P.TVs till day standards are achieved. Each
Human individual can enter the game by full planning and full plannings and partial
Planning and partial plannings.
All the plannings are performed by U.TV structure and there is no need for human
Efforts. There is no need for them to engage their mind in those repeatetive, labour
Some and arithmetical activities.
Unique TV of the global village has one location which is unique global community.
The cameras are all human individuals who are impressed. Here is the scene and field.
If you utter a word in unique global community,Ultimately, the audiences who are not
Eager to hear it and have not entered it in their plans are excluded,and you can chose
Among specific audiences.
The substitude of organization does not have bad and negative instinct and is not
Ambitious. It does not feed, and if so, eats according to machine and organizations
Plans. It does not ask for more, or it does not let such thoughts to enter its mind.
Sometimes you serve the substitude of organization and sometime it serves you.
It depends on your number and the loss and benefit you may have for global
You state an idea to the substitute of the organization, and it rapidly propounds stages
Of the idea are passed and the result is communicated to you and impresses the world
if necessary.
That is all world is recruited by this idea and serves it.
In other word as many wars as necessary are occurred till the idea is settled.
Each individual human is the first universal character and they do the similar things
i.e they give an idea to the substitute of the organization and get the response.
Whenever the response influence the society well or badly, they can influence your
number too.
But generally speaking they do not have negative influence, because machine and
general wisdom of the substitute discusses with you and all those discusses are pilot
Individual human and humanitarian society do not take efforts to test your ideas, they
are not your rats.
In which or your substitute you may live in an instant i.e you may elevate your spirit,
your actions and experiences would be recorded and effect your number.
Your other substitute do not have actual existence to crowd the earth. While you
elevate your spirit in a substitute, it gains existence in that very moment and others are
automatic systems to answer numerate audiences in the widespread virtual world.
This real existance (the substitute elevated by your spirit)will grant eminence to
individuals enjoying interactive relations with it in unique global party and affects the
When you breathe, you see all your substitutes against individual humans and all
environments while in interaction with all channels.
Expiration is deep and disastrous. That is you choose on of your substitutes and
Elevate your spirit into it and interact with party (assembly) within that. You are alive
Within it, and continue life and movement.
You do not occupy two positions in real world and you can easily get on bus or taxi
And pay for one.
But your substitute is in your inner,and it is possible to turn on and summon P.TV and
enter the unique global party whenever you like.
The result of the games and experiences you have had with a substitute of an
Individual human will be sent to it. If he/she was planned to include such results in
TV to be watched,it will be watched by him. If the programe considers these identical
Numbers and channels as immoral, it is the computer and automatic system which
Provides you the answer. Consequently,the results of your action would not be
Recorded officially and your number will not promote. But there is always the
Possibility of decline. And when
you make companion with a substitute, you should put money table and afford other
costs. Some people define a price while detail programming for audiences in order to
negotiate with them.
Anyone who wants to use some facilities and services in one hand should pay money,
grades and scores for that and on the other hand should have acceptable logics for the
presence of organization (general wisdom or divine wisdom), and all individual
humans should agree to
the event and at least no one should disagree or oppose it seriously.
Itshould be considered that superiority of some people over some others will influence
their differences of grades and scores while entering the ideal society.
Anyway, ascertaining these differences to start unfair game is the duty of two kinds of
First: the scientists well aware of truth and moral tips, organization and truth and
moral selves (humans and their channels)
Second: scientists well aware of current intentions and double dealers who take the
duty of performance and also investors.
We do our best to start the game for all people in an equal condition. But lack of
attention and respect for existing civilization which itself is the result of efforts made
within several centuries, would lead to drastic damages.
The concessioners would voluntarily lose their concession to truth tips in a love
Gamble. The loss will be recorded in their report card and serve as their honor. Our
Project does not dishonor the honored tips of truth. Regardless of whether they are
Unmanifested, incomplete tips or they are devine revelation, can be counted for
Ofcourse complete and manifested tips (pieces) which are kept in the museums of
The organization i.e.todays scientific theories pave the way for our activities,needless
To say, they are not devine revelation and will change in future.
Any human individual summoning unique TV of global village would first see U.TV.
The TV broadcasts channels and programs by a fixed actor. You can also enter the
World end effect it.
Then you will find out through your understanding,commandsb and discussions that it
Is a frame of a humen, and if you could invite the attention of its original form, a spirit
(collective or individual) will be elevated into it. It gets alive and interacts with you.
Otherwise it is artificial intelligence which is a precise copy of its spirit with authority
And official treaties would interact with you.
If you could be a channel and flat direction toward God, you would be the point of
Attention and they will elevate spirit in you and your audiences.
Whether you want or not , you will be pushed toward God,
And move in that direction.
And when an individual or community elevated his spirit in to your body and granted
his life to you, you were successor of God and therefore called God. Thus you get
upset and stand up and look in the direction of God, you consider yourself as nothing
and try to give back the probity to God (organization itself and zero). After doing so,
you decline to an individual with new advantages and better number and position in
unique global party and outside that (global village) everlasting life and making
connections (parties) in unique global village means that our good actins will have the
least influence on building future civilizations. Even if we were not a specified part
ourselves, we had a role in the manifestation of other parts or intermediaries. Making
connections(parties) means that your immoral actions do not remain and are forgotten.
In that very moment your advantages and global number decreases and you incur the
cost of party yourself. It is your right and no one will recognize your mistakes in
Of course, expect for the cases in which the organization has made them conspicuous
so that so that others take lessons or has introduced them as impolite action which
should be avoided by others and, it is also rejected by machine.
The others which are not made conspicuous will remain in organization as a secret.
They are considered indirectly and without mentioning the name of the doer. They are
used as human experiences in programing of general wisdom.
The TV of each individual is his candle of existance. When the P.TV is turned on,
each individual tries to promote and get number one which is the closest number to 0.
He asks for the confirmation of humanitarian socity.because the higher positions
Enjoy more expanded authority. They can better manifest art and be creative and
Finally show up them selves in channels and mirrors.
If the manifestation of art before his excellency the friend is impolite(0,U.TV and
Perfect human),an individual may finish his inner TVs other forms,his grade
Will get further from one.
When you turn on the TV ,you have had the first puff,gradually you are enchanted by
The sphere dominant in unique global party(community).then you get your actual
posation there and match with a new condition and environment.
You will do some other things and actions, and consequently enter the unique global
Community whether a red carpet is spread for you or a dearing invitation letter is sent
Or not.
Then you will earn some scores depending on the amour of your interaction within
Those structures and systems built and calculated by unique super computer or
Depending on the amount of favour of people toward you.
When you come back from all channels and directions passed and turned off the TV ,
You will have a new personality.whenever you turn on the TV for the next time , your
Number will be
pronounced to you, and you start game with your new number. That is the
new position set for you in unique global community. Of course, your life and
position have also officially changed in the global village which is the actual world.
An individual human makes as muff while leaving TV, he is frightened to watch TV
not to hear the notice of his new number.
Anyway, he is still able to start from the lowest grades outside unique global
community (outside TV and virtual global community). He can rebuilt everything step
by step and approve his capability via carefulness and efforts to build up personal
discipline. Then he can change his number through severe administrative works in the
structure of the organization in real world and finally enter the community.
Because everything there is of high speed and if you can not match your dance with
group, you will encounter an accident and make mess for same other individual too.
And you will lead to a casualty and bad sense in a corner of the community which
is not point of attention. Of course, the discipline of U.TV will not allow such
irregularities higher and lower positions are defined in the community. Better say
different positions in relation to instinct and nature of each human individual.
Economic and political schools and etc. which are dominant in different parts of the
earth and have outhority and kingdom can provide some influences. They deserve
The tips of truth, beauty and goodness will be influential without need to a supporter.
Gradually, divine inspirations of individual human and their abstract properties will
Gain more efficiency in human affairs.and the power and authority will satisfactorily
And without any opposition will be granted to him. U.TV is zero,knowledge and God,
It is heart and brain.
Scientists themselves are ordinary people and P.TVs are channels and substitutes.
Being a scientist can have positive advantages for them because it serves them.
But their numbers will be similar to ordinary peoples number since they are ordinary.
Knowledge is also on advantage and ability of an individual is different from other
People. Anyway , all are an individual with a specified code and number.
No scientist is of business in U.TV i.e. non of them would be believed there.the only
Thing present is is programs are elearly confirmed by scientists and people
.this interaction exists and important decisions are taken in special occasions and all
done in an instant.
You choose a name from the names offered.this name is written on your CD. You
Choose that callection of musics with a special intention to listen and drown in that
Sphere and emotios.
If the singer has not yet sung that song, he/she will sing it in that very
moment according to your understanding and request. When the concerned singer
confirmed and licensed his/her product in that moment, you and other interested
people use it. They loose their numbers up to a certain number while listening to the
If what you understand and requested had many client and audience, you have the
honor worshiping creatures of God, you may also be considered as deserving zero.
Because in fact zero has favored it and has supported you and shown you the secrets,
directions and sign and information so that you can serve its policies and instruction.
It has collected some guarantees from you and shut your eyes from other places.
Each service has different price for different people. You ask for some services from
U.TV via your number. But you are not given or given in a high price. So you ignore
it and spend your money and advantages in some other things which provide you with
subsidies and therefore cheaper others.
For instance, it is as if the best instrument are played and you sing. Machine makes
your special music in a best way, and it is your right.
But no one hears your work. It affects no one since one should not pollute his eyes
and ears with each bad work and there are more better the cost of these
services are considered high so that you will not use them. Not because ,because
a bad work should not be the unique global community there is no secret and
scarcity. Everything is numerate or one does not like to see the corner of street in which
there is a ceiling of trees for that.such services are offered with a high price for him.for
the one who understands it and has provided that elevated demand in his inner,they are
offered with a low price divine and elevated demands should not be put forward for .
these are the policies of U.TV machine,that are defined and planned by scientists.the
scientists also follow the direction of first universal character. And the first universal
(global) character has areas of authorities belong to the machine which is programed by
scientists. Ofcourse the plans (programs) voted by people are pronounced to machine and
machine runs them.
The scientists take their direction from the first universal character who is the center for
Emotions in the world.
The firest global character also may take direction from politicians around him.these
Politicians are those with the less distance from zero(0) i.e.
The teenagers and youth who are not sick and they healthy with good taste and .
The names of god shuld give direction to unique global community.
The politicians should manifest the names of God, and his morals and political games
should circle around the names of God. Generally this behavior should dominate: anyone
looking at anyone and caring for him and wanting the interactions with inanimate and
lifeless substitute to be pronounced and recorded and treaties signed has completely been
enslaved and lost all his pride. One who has not referred is not that much responsible.
Nevertheless, one referred have had a business. He should clearly put forward his
intentions and interpretations so that the answer is given, if necessary.
The reference can cut the connection wherever it wises, whether in body with a machine
life or in machine with an original life. But the referee has not such a right and shall finish
the game started.
Each individual human only sees the appearance of organization,s substitute zero and
whatever he utters to the substitute, he hears the some answer and reaction this interaction
privatizes the substitute for each person.
U.TV is secure from understanding and interpretations of human
The structure which the unknown organization has arrived at it and the infrastructure
submitted to each single. P.TV are influence emphasis point (focus)of each individual.
Each individual is involved in some focuses throughout life and he is concentrated
accordingly to a point and summons the unique TV of global village in an extraordinary
way in the world.
Only if an individual is willing, intended and concentracted, the TV appears in front of
him. Otherwise, an individual can avoid any picture from influencing his mind i.e any
When he is on connected and focused his look has various depth and grades consequently
the planned looks of the substitutes TVs and channels / assist him in detailed, precise and
oppropriate looking.
Each picture is not simply passed via requisite stages, all these are done with attention
rapidly in an instant.
U.TV is a zero substitute of unknown organization, it comes to an individual human. It is
a human, but it is the life, nature and spirit of a human which opt for you comes down and
serves you, you can not disrespect it since has not revealed anything for you. Everything
is revealed for first global character who is dependent on other politicians and they are
also dependent on people,s votes and votes take effect from scientific and free reports
resulting from scientists targets. They exist before that U.TV.
U.TV can be changed to a table and a TV on table. Or it can be changed to any other
thing such as a community in which you can choose a substitute as a representative of
yourself in the actual world to enter and elevate your life and spirit in one of your
substitute present in the community. Or your life out and your substitute in the
community with artificial intelligent. People not only say talk to first global character but
also they say talk to one of my substitutes.
Since computer substitute answer and never speaks badly or incorrectly or in a way to
lose scores. It never votes to anyone. Here, every piece of truth and every piece of ethic
manifest within the first character of scenarb.
Human individuals talk to their love (friends) personally, and they talk in official
communities which are important for them. News broad casting from U.TV is quite
impartial, there by human individuals can count an it and believe some things.
News defines and clarifies science and events. Human individuals are to conclude.
Human individuals made a model of God and try to resemble it.
Human individual need a real friend and companion. They build ideal and perfect human
who is the same general wisdom, unknown organization and U.TV, and considers it is his
model and directs toward that. In each case, occurring for individuals, they refer to U.TV,
therefore U.TV is resembled with the number of channels existing in this instant so that it
can interact with all human or channels.
U.TV reflects to each individual differently and all the reflections are the best and most
perfect type. That is the governor (of village) reflects and manifests personally and
completely in each case. For example, conerning each case, U.TV appears as the object or
human which is the response. For instance as the specialist in a subject.
There is one of each type of musicians, scientists, scenarists, singers and cooks in the
nature of each human. They offer all the services and they are connected to their agent
who, for example, is the unique musician of the world.
It can be said that the unique global musician personally crystalized, presented, incarnated
before you. He chats and interacts only with you and makes songs personally for you in
that instant.
These srevices are offered to all referee at the same time by unique global musician, this
all means that the action of unique computer cloud is quite difficult. And the current
technology standards must promite to ideal standards. The source of referrence include
manifested (crystelized) pieces of truth such as a song or a movie in which everybody can
play a role in it is special structures and frame works. Or he can send his substitute and
watch. This sources of referrence give human identity to individuals and they are history
book of organization. These crystalized pieces of culture are raw materials to produce
culture in society and concepts and experiences in unique global comminuty. Then those
culture are defined and distinguished in the framework of civilizations and they would
die to give birth to other civilizations and understandings. That way, they move toward
God and advanced U.TV closer to God.
Some people were born with specific aim.
The objectives can be predefined to some extent, that we can manifest in another
substitute till some people die together and manifest as one.
Other part of creation will happen by itself and interaction with human individual of
society. For example, a child is born to be a film star so that all the people know him in
childhood, for instance Home Alone II.
You are augmented, which of your substitute are you?
Unique global policeman, unique global cook …
All these are machines and a zero substitute of organization.
Anyone having a business with them, will privatize them and understands them within his
P.TV and will be understood by them.
Each individual human interact officially with only one person who is a substitute, robot
or real in the virtual or actual world.
If he is doing something else and some where else, they will influence unique global
comminity only if he has officially pronounced it. Of course in some over whelming
cases, each person can grant, his P.TV and P.TV substitutes to act and sign official
It is so because you should vote i.e ascertaining vote for all affairs relating to global
Of cuorse they will not take your time and leisure to ask for a vote.
Your P.TV does it automatically. Because your P.TV has as many substitute as the
opinions occupying unique global comminuty. They substitutes are your secretaries or
better say your successors and agents to join all these cases. And your P.TV also looks
a like zero of the organization which now resembles you, privatized for you.
The unique global policeman personally refers and investigates issues ralating to each
person. He provides the answer, influences and takes effects. Perhaps he talks to one of
your substitutes and not necessarily with you. Because each huamn individual is a first
global character and U.TV is his friend unique global policeman is a small part of U.TV.
Machine considers it is as its duty to serve human, friend.
All the people are now watching unique TV of global village. The party and location on
unique global TV is the same as party and location, people see on earth. This common
global sense is created in that very moment. And if some people are concerned with other
details and point in U.TV or if they are concerned with other P.TVs, this feeling does
not ruin common global sense, since all people and all those who want to have fun are
watching U.TV.
every person or group in any point of earth can make relation with U.TV in virtual world.
He can assumed that he is personally addressed by U.TV and all other people are sitting
and watching him. He and U.TV influence each other and the audience (addresses)
influence them both and they two influence audiences. The best relation with U.TV and
the best … (P.TV) is really and actually adopted by people.
That P.TV influence P.TV every day and instant. Computer or your private TV has a
code, a special number which is hidden from strangers. Whenever and wherever
(a cafe) you may enter unique global village, the activities of your P.TV or your
substitute gets special.
Whatever your intention, no matter how you plan to enter the community, the votes,
relations, interaction and the influence it may have or take, are recorded by your name
and you will have the responsibility though you are not conscious about them.
Each human individual will have as many substitutes as the present number of people.
To clarify it, it can be said that he has as many substitute (P.TV) as the number of
events and decisions or better say number of communities making global comminuty.
Each person will interact with every single human (his substitute) to come to a certain
result. It is as a telephone in which you are putting a message for the person on the
other side of the line, but as soon as he understands it to be an important message, he
takes the reciever and personally talks to you.
The word "Influence" is more seriously put forward while you are interacting with
one,s substitute and that person presents himself.
Wehther an individual human is inside the comminuty or uotside it, his TV is unique
global TV and it is interacting with other TVs in each instant.
Here all the TVs are similar i.e unique TV of global village and other TVs.
Of course there is an official notice which is done quickly by individual people. For
instance, with the inteval of entening the comminuty once and going out of it.
You can not do wrong in unique global comminuty because doing unstructured ideas
Are rapidly directed toward rellated channels and newly created structures or exiting
Ones. Those are precisely in scientific-fictions and turn to a model for structures to
which we should arrive at.
so all the people believe each other and smile at each other. And if some one has
spiteful look, he himself will keep polite and put his head down, and if some one
profligates, the dominant order and machine will chastise him or will cause a smaller
suffer without anyone complains. All these terms such as (chastisement) are shown
through decline of number. These declines will provide necessary punishments. A
substitute for each human in individual.
Sometimes, your substitute lives beside you as your friend and companion with any
complexion, looking, knowledge and morals.
Sometimes, when you enter unique global community that is when you turn it on, it
turns to your TV and your mirror and you see yourself and the community while
interacting with the audience. When you come out of the community, you can change
some attributes and lines in your substitute, but finally your spirit is elevated in it i.e
your artificial intelligence is programmed in it.
You have entered the community with your friend, and you are explaining everything
to him. For an instant, you leave thinking about community and pay attention to
details and tell him: "Do you see that …" you may enter the community again and
continue after this pause. Your friend is your agent in actual world and answers the
referee so that you can find you place in the existence of your friend while ignoring
real world and its limitations a substitute for each individual human.
This substitute is an ideal, perfect human that gives a seed to each person and every
body knows what to do with that friend.
P.TV are unique TV of global village which are augmented and one is given to each
person. P.TVs are connected to unique TV of global village, they influence and take
effects as they do the same with their owners.
Society influences your substitutes and vice version. Your P.TV, your substitute and
your friend are manifestation of your claims, your being a king and first global
character. They will promote as long as unique TV of global village allows and
It means you see your numbers difference every moment then it is pronounced. It is
pronounced whenever you like or after each turning on and off, if necessary the notice
will be delayed till then, but if the person is more than enough impolite, the person
declines in position. One of your substitutes speaks and lives with the addressee for an
hour, some instants, a whole life or… in the case of each error.
You have an agent before each individual or group, they are doing their best to satisfy
you as their first global character so that you grant a higher authority to them and they
can take role in shaping you while devoting themselves in order to arrive at you, the
lines producing good, beautiful and interesting points that is your actions and
reactions shape character even in your unconcious if you could distinguish U.TV
within a P.TV and resembled it to an individual and you died yourself to elevate him,
if you considered him as God and worshipped him, you have created him so he would
be your companion, you will live together for hours and moments.
You will get some experiences and memories which will influence the structure of
some channels or they will be a channel in interaction with world themselves.
In this moments, your actual body does not have life and spirit.
One of your P.TVs (substitute) would be a machine life and sprit in your body on your
behalf. He will do your daily work according the previous program of machine and
your P.TV which is copied of you.
Perhaps it is which done by molocular transmittion and there is no need for your life
and spirit to transmit to virtual world and unique global community. The unity of
community mean unity of structures and laws and frameworks dominating the
In the unique global community, there is enough room for indefinite number of
human substitutes. There is no scority of location.
Those one thousand people in comminuty
Those one hundred people in comminuty
Those ten people in comminuty
Those few people in comminuty
That person in comminuty
Only this person or that group are persent in unique global village. Others have not
occupied the comminuty. The first global character is augmented as many as people
who have referred to the comminuty as clients.
And the first character is personally deeling with him and directly or indirectly
interacting with him, no mather whether it is in the form of dialogua, gesture or …
everybody speaks his mother tonque there, but the words are translated before getting
to the addressee. It could of course be possible for the people to apeak and
comprehend in that languaged and therefore no need for translation.
The brain of first global character is connected to the brain of all his substiuttes.
therefor the interaction of single individuals with these substiutte ultimately influence
the first global character and consequently the governer of the village and whole
Of course these effects are delicate and small since the first global character rarely
efects. Because if it is going to take effect from all the people present in the global
comminuty, the comminity would losse its stability and comfort. And all respected
and disrespected individuals permit themselves to invate the community without
previous preparation. The community world be disordered and dishonored, if so.
U.TV primarity augmented his substitute and granted a substitute to each person with
a special number all cated for it.
Whenever the substitute of organization (or your substitute) or the same P.TV which
you have privatized for yourself, attracted your attention and you were satisfied with
that and you fell in love, then you can devote yourself, die and get life within that.
That case you will receive another zero substitute and a number from the organization
whether this number is closer to zero or the previous number depend on how you
spent the previous number and facilities whether it was ornamenting you or you were
ornamenting it. Have you gone astray with your previous number and substitute i.e
zero substitute along with it,s attached number?
Have you misused advantages, occasions, trusts and loans for which you were not
qualified. A person dances, and his dance influences lines or tape and that line
influences lines …
wherever the organization needs feelings to take decisions, TV no1 which is a naughty
child dances. He dances with the music brood casting from museums of general wisdom.
This presedent or the first global character who is dancing with musics from God,s
phonenix may see some eyes in the comminuty which like to take out shoes and throw
them on his pupil, or one says send lips or kisses.
Therefore the dancing of the first global character influences how the phoenix of God is
playing music. And the way of presence of individuals in the unique global comminuty
also influences how the first global character dances.
Any one turning on his TV in global village or assist a TV to be turned on among a group
-by paying, granting license or being buttefly or the candle (devoting)- is present in the
unique global comminuty. He has turned to an individual among group i.e substitute and
channel. Any one with off TV is not present in the global comminuty at that moment. He
has authorized himself to his private TV and the programs pre-planned for that so that his
secretsry will be his works via facilities, advantages, commands and pre-defined plans.
The private TV originates from one,s inner sight if he wishes. This TV is not necessarily a
TV it can be anything else as you want. All human individuals are in love with one that is
Is the governor with him. And he can reflect some one else at any moment since the
governor (of the village) is the mirror of the first global character,
Who is the one with no.1 it is a transitory position for the presents.
Will this caucious and speed find or create ever lasting present?
When you first tranon our personal TVor the gift of organization or a piece of U.TV
when you concentrate and enter, initially you witness a mirror and the TV completely
reflects you.. perhaps no one votes to this TV in the world and no one walches it. Anyway
your smallest movements and thoughts in your TV lead to some changes in you and you
will be directed to directions of unconscious. Single unions and adults have hypnotized
others and directed them to instinctual and unconscious movements. These movements
are bought and invested on. They are used by crowds of people in special occasions and
special propotions. Your mirror which appears after your order has different program
about you. They define your position on the unique global TV according to your pre
define plans and standards for U.TV.
But some may have deleted these programs automatically and they may not want to
initially see his mirror and may want to see P.TV or the mirror of the first global
character. Or perhaps, he would like to see another P.TV which he likes and loves.
And he may believe in the fact a friend is the mirror of the friend. That connected
person is always thinking about him and they look alike. Both are one and they are
one spirit in two bodies.
Basically, several people like and signed a treaty to introduce themselves to U.TV and
humanitarian society and turn to a spirit in a body.
The watch their comminuty mirror i.e the network because all their works influence
each other. They pass ups and downs together and take journeys. They are in love.
This comminuties can seprate valves their choice to be together. Because that unity
has been voluntory and nothing could have destroy it, and the structure would only
change in a better union.
Which streets, city of which country is your peresent positon? Which landscape? Will
it happen close to the sea? Each individual human chooses it himself.
All the information and training in relation to frame works of P.TV and technologies
are carred out by U.TVor the first appearing TV.There is no need for your endeavours.
Sometimes we may have experienced enjoyable emotions in chidhood. The memory
of general wisdom is very much strong and all those are recorded.
Those enjoys and entertainments can be forgotten too. You can be transmited to the
same emotions feelings so that you will have the same memories.
If we gradually do works which are not included in the prison of this linear time and
time has no effects on them, we would gradually live in community in which we will
get rid of the prison and so many experiences are produced there. That will gradually
change to a society (community) and community would be global. Everything will live
in present. For instance, we have distinguished and mummified a special format (manner)
it is criticism, amendment and completion are done in the past and future, but that manner
is not limited to time. The complete format of that manner exists. The fact that we have
not yet discovered it is something else.
Whenever you would like, you can see the change and transformations of that special
Of course, the efficient formulas will speed up and accurate the implementation of such
theories. This is done by the scientist who are working on time.
We should record the fragments of truth manifesting among people of the world. They
should be mummified by existing technologies and kept in the museums so that we can
arrive at ways to get more fragments with the help fragments which in themselves will
farm the final structure.
The next stage is the fragments happening in the past. They should be worked in time. I
do not think we can deal with them in science fiction because our limited kniwkedge
makes it difficult for us to find fragments of truth in the present and future is the simplest
way. That is without considering future and without feeling the gap.
Because truth and god can have many manifeststions, and we can arrive at general truth
by some complete and exact models. General truth includes past too.
When present and past are well done and we all have arrived to truth, perhaps then human
knowledge gets to a stage in which manifested and mortal fragment of truth can also be
extracted from the memories of docendants or from the common sense of the general
wisdom and the diminating order in nature and they can mummified and recorded.
Perhaps there is no need for truth and the fragments are mortalized and changed to energy
and culture. The recording and mummifying of the fregments in present and future are
just limited to picture and sound. Compared to technologic products of tomorrow, these
products are considered as complex manuscripts. And next generations world take
endeavours to read them and make more efficient products.
The recording of fragments of truth should be in a way that they are alive and active
before us.
Many books should be written about each person. Other people will read them and they
will be understood in on instant. We should pass those events (understanding) to look at
other events.
With producing the movie of each person,s biography and by watching of others, they
will arrive at resurrection. When all the people arrived at resurrection, they will live
together for a while till the final movie is produced. That means all the fragments of truth
are manifested and set in their places.
Till now, we have been restricted to time for living and making communications.
If we can arrive at zero, we understand absurdity, zero and emptiness and they will be
common place. It means they will be manifested and distinguished and they will be
transferred from metaphysics to the scope of to days scientists, knowledge. Then the
scientists can resemble and formulate that so the live starts.
When all future and past are clearly illustrated in front of people, the applicability of this
linear time loose color. There for each human who sees his position does his duties and
responsibilities so that he would not decline his position.
And he enjoys his life with the facilities he has. Of course there is option for each
instance and each person can try and plan his position in truth puzzle and everlasting
picture. That is because every thing has interaction in global village and they influence
each other and there are still many ways to arrive at unique God and people having fixed
and unchangsble numbers.
The core is fixed and others are versified, and their numbers changes.
General Models for arriving at Model (scenarios and movies)
The author and some incomplete plans about creating that model (scenario and movie) on
A4 papers. But because they were not that much interesting and because it is better for the
scenarists to use their creativity and imagination power to make models, those pages were
taken outfrom this chapter.
How to implement unique TV of global village in the real life:
We should first make an ideal model from the ideal information and comminucation
society in which each person has a person TV, then we can expect the day technology to
move toward that. Ideal society and technology will be set forth and illustrated in that
model. There are some planned orders and models for technology as there are models for
body building that we try to resemble.
You will have the pictures of technology advancement before you and it (technology) will
try to turn in to favorite models. The procedure is that a group of teenagers are gathered,
and equipments necessary for perfect life in ideal information and comminucation
technology would be prepared for them.
And a TV with special cantents will be produced for each one.
They live and their orders, needs, wishes and dreams are distinguished our scientist spend
time to provide answers for actions and reactions of teenagers. We pretend that U.TV
(machine) responds rapidly to teenagers in the science-fiction movie. That science fiction
makes the model.
Then the model illustrates the sphere and we get involved in better and exalted demands.
And technology tries to define the standards of the model in the actual life.
This is the reference of the scenarists regarding this style. Various scenarios will be
written about this model and it is not limited to a movie. Scientists will take ideas from a
collection of movies illustrating that society.
It is proposed that the first scenarios and movies be written and directed by this author.
So that future directors and scenarists could see models personally led by the author
while he would be passed away or have on time to cooperate.
What the author is doing will be done more completely i.e.
And the scenarios and directors will picture that society so some distinguished creativities, ideas, exalted needs and order are created in human individual and scientist and procedure will get scientific.
If there is something wrong in this book or movie, it does not mean that the whole work is
Wrong. Others can include and exclude elements things from films. For instance, they can say that such an idea will not have applicability on earth, it would be exclude if scientific.
Thus the movie and furums will be directed toward a more accurate direction. But it is
necessary to commence endeavours in order to show the ideal model of human
comminucations in different movies which are products of cinematographists,s creativity.
It is dine by guidance of comminucations scientist and other sciences.
The benchmarks and his models set forth in movies influence the audience and his taste
via the actor that is identifyable for him.
So much the better to gather fragments of truth personally and take the authority from
dark kingdom with ray: of light and grant it to atoatl brightness.
And "movie directing machine" which includes all expertise and practical expriences of
scientist and cinema apecialist will serve all individuals earrying fragments of truth.
Then tasts and fragments of truth and ethics will br recorded.
It means cultures die and turn to civilization.
Of course this kind of death is better them unkown death in one,s own hometown.
Recording manifested (crystalized) fragments of truth results in creation fixed structures
for model and benchmark, and it will turn to raw materials for implementing them.
That is it will be sacrificed several times to criticize, amend and complete the model.
These benchmarks, models, frames whatever they are, influnce the lives of people
In fact, we have gathered individual,s needs, wishes, orders and ideal dreams and offered it as a science -fiction that is God and we Want to move toward him and arrive at him. In future they may arrive at him and we as ordering people may want to live there then.
That is not the end. If some current movie as soon as they get to utopia, it is because they have not seen it to show it or they have seen it but they are not permitted to show their secrets.
Life is an advent there, and people think about new things if they can be called needs, orders, etc. there can be anything as an ideal horizon or ideal horizons or even augmentation of that unity. But our duty for the time is unionizing.
It is quite simple. If technology is not that much advanced to extract UT.V from human inner and materialize it, we use lower standards in actual life compared to the model (movie).
Each society you enter, there is a U.TV on a table. And you take breath from U.TV and exhalt. And the music of the society is dependent on the best exhaltation.
All others adjust themselves with your P.TV standards and structures. People are passing are seven stages to arrive at God. Quest, love, understanding, self-contained, unity, astonishment, poverty and destruction.
Quest: every person has an excuse for his quest. And each ones need is answered differently.
Love: Each person falls in love with U.TV first global character and he gets some
Experiences and memories.
Understanding: Each person ieterprents, understands and reads differently. He makes
questions and answer in his mind.
Self-cintaind: Phoenix doesnot need these achievements and looses claims and plans not
to be destroyed by pride.
Unity: All the people devote themseves for society to follow comminuty.
Astonishment: It doesnot much their previous accountings. They are invalved and
astonished. They committee themselves to their duties (the un distinguished duties). They
try not to do wrong. They all thankful, devoted to the earand they are not.
Poverty and destruction: he is not able to destruct himself and takes action with his U.TV
He uses them and devotes them. Howmuch efforts you made and how much influence.
You have had remains on U.TV. And your number will have better birthes. As much as you take effect, you make use of others srvices but your resistance and number declines.
Human individuals are free from commincationsand accuontings. All these are done by substitutes.
All the seven stages do not happen by a P.TV. All P.TVs have a role in the first stage i.e quest. Other stages are choosen that is the excuses for quest or expriences are choosen and officially announced to U.TV.
These stages do not happen in liner form. Some part is happening at each instance it is an occurred event which we build it with our option, choice, creativity and life. And we approve our eligibility for its understanding and prensence.
The end.

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