
this is a letter to Agents of the United Nations.
this is a letter to:
Authorities of West Countries Governments (America, Australia, Canada and Europe Governments authorities).
I am a genius and I glory in the United Nations for their civilization. I like immigration in West. But I can not successful about this goal without special assist from Agents of United Nations in UNHCR or other Units that same their Embassies.
after some years expensive researchs I was busy to life problems in Iran and I had not lot money and time for continuation my researchs and to run to better and perfecter and advanceder and specificer ideas and plans and innovations. and I caned not performance my project and show ideal vision in a simple science fiction movie to iran civilization and earth civilization in iran with my status. and I had not lot money and time and necessary information and communication and expertise for do marketing my project.
my last Proposal in one page is in
I like not live in iran. Advance for a genius in iran was very slow and hard. I found not necessary time for thinking and for subscription and study in libraries in iran. And there are not pleasing and desent for iran truth and earth truth and me.
I like immigration in west as a simple individual as a simple worker for a normal and quiet live. I am tired and need to change and retire and need to immigration for use and engage my time for my own personal lively life. I need a simple job in one of west societies. this is a golden and great opportunity to me. Thanks.
long and tiring bureaucracy is respectable to me but my ability and possibilities is limited in this status. I need help from the earth.
friend units as societies and individuals can action about this request with UNHCR or each relevant office and authority. my relevant refugee office address is : (Sancak Mahallesi 12.Cadde 212.Sokak No:3 UNHCR Cankaya Ankara Turkiye).
I Thank United Nations about Tries of their Agents and Authorities for taking a few time to listen my refugee request case in UNHCR since 5 years ago (from 2001).
Thanks very much for taking the time to read.
Aliakbar Ebrahimi
Theoretician and originator for
World Unit TV. and Ideal world
Spring end of 2006 (11/7/2006)
mobile phone: (0090) _ 0539 297 68 35